One dozen Red Roses - tried , tested and still true! Our Red Rose Vase Arrangements are the perfect way to say I Love You!
These beauties are guaranteed to make a statement this Valentines Day!
Vase may Vary based on what we have available in store.
Add a Treat: We're excited to partner with Nest Specialty Desserts for Valentines Day Cookies & Cakes as well as Crave Doughnuts for 1/2 dozen VD Special Doughnies! - Flowers and treats combos are for Feb 14th Orders Only
Add a Card: Each order comes with a small enclosurecard, don’t forget to fill out your personalized message below to send your love and sentiments or add on one of our Fine Art Floral Greeting Cards for longer messages.
Bloom Care Support: To ensure maximum enjoyment of our flowers, we provide a QR code instruction care card with extra flower food with every delivery.
Quality Control: Please note, flower availability varies with the seasons. In the unlikely event that a specific flower listed is not available, our professionally trained designers will substitute with blooms of the same value and beauty, ensuring the best quality possible for your delivery.
Valentines Day Flower Orders :Choose from Pick Up at Pink Lemon Decor
or Local Delivery Feb 13th or 14th
Red Roses in a Vase Arrangement
You understand you are buying a fresh floral persihable product.
Our blooms are expertly processed and hydrated with extreme care.To ensure maximum enjoyment of our flowers, we provide a QR code instruction care card with extra flower food with every delivery.